Look after your wetsuit and it will look after you

Although general care guidelines apply to all wetsuits, washing instructions, storage and repair may vary per manufacturer and wetsuit type. 

We recommend, you should always carefully read the instructions on the label of your wetsuit. We have outlined some Simpel wetsuit care guidelines below we hope you find the following information useful.   

Putting on your wetsuit

Get changed on a clean area of ground, ideally avoiding standing directly on gravel, tarmac or other rough surfaces. Use a towel or board bag to protect your wetsuit.

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Cleaning your wetsuit

It's important to clean your wetsuit with fresh water after every use to remove the salt, sand and any other contaminents that over time can build up and damage the wetsuit.

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Storing your wetsuit

When storing a wetsuit make sure it is completely dry, inside and out. Hang it in a cool, dry area to ensure it stays dry and fresh for its next use in the surf.

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Sit back with the Simpel Crew

Chasing Unicorns - A Simpel Story

A Simpel crew of 8 friends head North on a last minute cold water surf adventure in the hope of finding waves and rugged landscapes.

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Wetsuit care with Nikwax

Simpel Wetsuits x Nikwax: Elevating Wetsuit Care with a New Wetsuit CleanerAt Simpel Wetsuits, we understand that investing in high-quality gear is only half the story. The real key to...

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Live Simpel with Simon Shields

Simon moves through life with a deep connection to nature and a love for simplicity. Cornwall’s natural beauty has shaped his journey, with surfing becoming not just a passion, but...

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